His First Counsel

★ His First Counsel
★ His First Counsel (guitar only)

AListen to the voice
That makes our hearts rejoice
His Gfirst Dcounsel is Athis:
PossEess a pure heart,
A Akindly heart,
A B7radiant Eheart

AListen to the voice
That makes our hearts rejoice
His Gfirst Dcounsel is Athis:
PossEess a pure heart,
A Akindly heart,
A B7radiant Aheart

The Dheart is a Atreasure,
A Dgift beyond Ameasure,
A B7bounty from your Elord
ProDtect it from the Afire
Of Dworldly deAsire,
And Dfreely Elet it Dsoar

(repeat first section)